6 Ways to Make your Classroom fun

Imagine a classroom where the teacher is reading out a chapter in a monotone voice. Researchers, rather I would say all of the teachers would agree that 75% of students in such class would be daydreaming, 20% doodling and rest would be making a failed attempt to actually listen. Should this be the type of classrooms where our country’s future is supposed to be nurtured? Gone are the days of lectures where children were passive listeners and whatever teacher told was all correct. A classroom should ideally be a place where children look forward to coming to. But making a class an interactive class is the biggest challenge faced by teachers all over the world. Imagine a classroom where the teacher is reading out a chapter in a monotone voice. Researchers, rather I would say all of the teachers would agree that 75% of students in such class would be daydreaming, 20% doodling and rest would be making a failed attempt to actually listen. Should this be the type of classrooms where our country’s future is supposed to be nurtured? Gone are the days of lectures where children were passive listeners and whatever teacher told was all correct. A classroom should ideally be a place where children look forward to coming to. But making a class an interactive class is the biggest challenge faced by teachers all over the world.

Here a few strategies which could be of help for teachers in managing class as well as make lessons interesting.

1. Love your job: – Every task can be accomplished successfully only and only when you have a desire to do. Hectic and busy schedules are invariably a result of lack of management. A proper planning beforehand would give you ample time to insert activities in your lessons, thereby making them more effective. If you have fun while teaching then possibly your children will also have fun studying.

2. No lectures only conversations: – Try it once, the students will tell you more than probably you can imagine. Engage the students like you would do with a friend, over a cup of coffee and see a stylish shift in the interest levels of students.

3. Learn together: – No doubt, the job of the teacher is to educate but at times letting down your authoritative guard and learning new things together would be great fun for both. Get involved in every task, work as a team rather than a just a silver-rimmed observer.

4. Relate the content of day to day life: – Don’t lose the credibility of your students by telling them that lesson has to learn “because they have to”. Give them the real answer. If they are learning mathematics tell them that they need to use it to check out bills, buy groceries measuring the area of the garden and relate them to solve real-life problems using mathematics.

5. Use Technology: – The students live and breathe technology. Instead of a paper, make use of tablet or computer or smart board. Let them video conference for a project together, let them interact with students abroad to widen their perspective on a given project. Let the technology be used for the purpose it was actually invented for.

6. Let your stubbornness “go”:- This definitely does not mean compromising with rules but it just expresses to be more understanding. Make yourself available for the students.

The purpose of the teacher is not just to disseminate information. Let loose, laugh, involve and most of all be passionate about what you are doing. All the things you’re working hard to achieve with students will improve if a suitable environment is created where your students love being a part of. Be more trusting, be more influential and make your lessons interesting.

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