Exam Paper Free Singapore

If you are looking for Free Exam Papers Singapore that are totally free for download, you have come to the right place. You have read it right, we do not charge you anything, and all of our Singapore exam papers are free for you. You can download it and start using it on your computer, tablet or phone (this way you save trees!), or you can print them. Do try to use double-sided printing or use recycled paper.

There are many reasons for you to download free exam papers instead of buying the stacks and stacks of the printed one you can find all around in Singapore. We have listed a number of reasons for you to use our free service:

1) Exam Papers Free in Singapore

We mean exactly what we say. You will never ever have to pay for our service and we will never ask you for your credit card details for downloading. Our website is fully funded by our advertisers. We are forever grateful to them.

Education in Singapore is already very expensive. In fact, we are one of the most expensive places to have an education. Aren’t we thankful that our education is heavily funded?

2) Minimise Wastage

Let’s be honest with each other. I used to purchase those huge, heavy and bulk stacks of exam papers for my children. However, they will never finish it! If they have been especially disciplined (e.g during PSLE year), they might finish 80% of the papers. Most of the time, they finish less than 50% of the exam papers! Paper and printing ink was wasted! Well, I have myself to blame too. I did not keep the exam papers to give away, or keep them for my younger child, because I thought they might already be outdated or syllabus would have changed.

Although I am talking about minimizing waste and saving trees, I also reap the benefits of cost saving. Purchasing printed exam papers can cost up to $200 per child per year. Therefore, that will come up to a whopping $1,200 just for their primary school alone.

The reason for creating exam paper free Singapore to do my part in preserving the environment and also to help parents save cost.

3) Download Exam Papers is the way to go

One of the benefits of living in Singapore is that we are very advanced in technology. All of our home broadband and fiber plans come with unlimited bandwidth. There is no limit to how much you can download, really. You can download every exam paper for every subject of every primary school year in Singapore. We do not stop you, nor will we limit you.

We do ask for a small favor though. Please share our website with your friends, family, other students, and parents and we hope to help as many people as we can.

Click here to start downloading Exam Papers Free in Singapore.

Before you begin practicing on these exam paper free singapore, you might be interested to look at this talk by Jim Kwik about how to learn faster and work smarter. This way, you can make full use of your time.

In the case that stress builds ups, or you need something for a little distraction, mark your calendars for the public holidays that are coming! (Yay, no school!) Visit this page to see the updated school holidays in Singapore as you do the Free Exam Papers!